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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Mass Effect 3' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Mass Effect (2007)
    Jack Wall, Sam Hulick, Richard Jacques (additional music), David Kates (additional music)
  • Mass Effect 2 (2010)
    Jack Wall (lead composer), Sam Hulick, David Kates, Jimmy Hinson, John A. Pagano (segment composer)

1 matches in composers
  1. Blanck Mass

613 matches in tracks
  1. Mass Effect Theme (02:21)
    from Mass Effect
  2. End Of Mass (00:42)
    from Power And The Glory, The
  3. Mass (01:53)
    from Four Dogs Playing Poker
  4. Drive to Mass (00:49)
    from Lilies Of The Field
  5. Morning Mass (02:10)
    from Breach
  6. Morning Mass (02:10)
    from Breach
  7. After Mass On Sunday (02:44)
    from Viva Max!
  8. Critical Mass (02:18)
    from High-Rise
  9. Mass Grave (00:51)
    from Platoon
  10. The Spaniard's Mass (01:52)
    from Cyrano De Bergerac
  11. Mass Shooting (01:32)
    from 24 Hours To Live
  12. Mass vs. Acceleration (02:14)
    from Drive Angry 3D
  13. Mass Winnings (05:07)
    from Island, The
  14. Christmas Mass (01:06)
    from Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, A
  15. A Requiem Mass (01:12)
    from Borgia
  16. Mass Winnings (05:06)
    from Island, The
  17. Mass Seduction (02:08)
    from Centurions Of The Moon
  18. Jordan Mass (02:12)
    from Marco Polo: Haperek Ha'aharon
  19. Mass Execution * (00:30)
    from 55 Days At Peking
  20. The Black Mass (02:30)
    from Swarm, The
Show all 613 matching tracks